Concrete printing

Concrete printing

3D concrete printing offers new spatial freedom, but it also comes with significant structural limitations. Fabricating a flat wall, for example, becomes a challenging task. To overcome these constraints, many 3D printing companies incorporate expressive topologies into their designs. Differential growth, a pattern observed in nature, can be simulated using physics engines like Grasshopper's Kangaroo. Small adjustments to a random variable result in the emergence of different patterns. This type of growth is visible in coral, where tension in a curve or surface gradually increases over time, driving the formation of intricate patterns.



Project name_     Differential growth concrete print
Project by_       Studio RAP Rotterdam
Scope_            Design 
Parametric tools_ Grasshopper + Kangaroo plugin
Fabrication_      Concrete printing Bruil Wageningen
Date_             april 2020
Location_         Betondorp Amsterdam The Netherlands